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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blind Contour and Continuous Line Drawings

The first drawing is a blind contour drawing. It is interesting to see what happens when the eye to forced to work in a different way with the hand. The process can be a bit frustrating, because it is not as easy to control the outcome of the image. So it looks strange and disproportional, but new details are caught by slowing down, and it has a nice quality. Since the drawing is so light, try viewing the larger image to see more detail!

The five words I would use to describe this composition would be:
1) for value: light
2) for speed: moderate
3) for character: controlled
4) for pressure: soft
5) for another descriptive word: sketchy

The second drawing is a continuous line drawing. This drawing I tried to practice blind contour as well at first, and then went back to rework afterward. I liked the effect of this, and I was surprised at how accurate some of the details were in the drawing, even though proportions are slightly off. Keeping a continuous line was difficult, because I wanted to be able to stop and start, but it helped as an exercise to draw the outline of the form.

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